Bag Filtration
Types: Bag Filtration / Filtration / Separation
Manufacturer: EATON
Product Description
Eaton is the leading manufacturer of filter bags and filter bag housings. Eaton’s products include legacy brands R-P Products, Ronningen-Petter, GAF, and Loeffler.
Filter bags are offered in many materials, retention levels, and designs such that one can choose the style of bag filter that best fits their application. Eaton’s bag offering has 19 different series of bags. These bags are used for many markets and applications including food & beverage, inks, colors, resins, activated carbon removal, chemical, industrial, pharmaceutical, paints & varnishes including automotive paints, lubricants and metal working fluids, dilute oil removal, microelectronics, high purity water, and water purification.
Bag housings are also manufactured with different sizes, options, and materials of construction including single bag housings and multi-bag housing options. Eaton’s innovative design team has developed housings that are easier to open and change bags more quickly than competitive designs as well as offer designs that are more ergonomically friendly improving change out time and reducing potential for injury. Many of the standard design housings are in stock including multi-bag housings.
Contact E.W. Process for an associate to help you select the best filtration options for your application.
Filter Bag Brochures
- Bag Overview
- ABP Bags
- Absorption Insert
- Accugaf Bags
- Bandseal
- Cleargaf
- Duragaf
- Hayflow
- Hayflow Q
- Lofclear 100
- Loflcear 100 Automotive
- Lofclear 500
- MAX-LOAD Coreless
- Monofilament
- Multifilament
- Progaf
- Sentinel
- Snap-Ring
- Unibag
Filter Housing Brochures:
- Filter Bag Housing Overview
- Filter Bag Housing Spares
- Duoline
- Ecoline
- Flowline
- Flowline II
- Maxiline MBF HD
- Maxiline MBF HE
- Maxiline VMBF
- QIC Lock
- Maxiline VMDE
- Moduline
- Polyline
- Proline 100
- Proline 100 SE
- Proline 150 HE
- Sideline
- Topline